Monday, July 27, 2009

Loving the days, but loving counting them down

This past week has been quite a ride. I finished my time at a+o (with some fantastic free stuff), attempted attending a drag show, drank wine on the top of a townhouse that I could only dream to own, got caught in the rain, and spent way to much money. And it was all worth it.

A+O was an interesting detour to my summer. Completely unplanned, and completely... interesting. I walked a lot. A LOT. With no experience in retail production, I was pretty much learning as I went. I soaked a lot in, met some awesome people, and saw a different side of an industry that I love. I also got some amazing clothes. These three being some of my favorites. 

I'd been searching for a romper to wear out and this lovely number fell into my lap. 
 I literally wear this scarf everyday. Literally. 
Trina Tunic, oh how I love you.

Great clothes, great time, great people, I will definitely be back.

Ami and Abby came to visit this weekend and it was a blast. We shopped, ate Berry Wild, and took in a drag show. The lovely people she is nannying for allowed us (why, I will never know) to stay in their townhouse in Chelsea. City views, terrace on the roof, and domestic grilling, we all definitely had a great time. The drag show was at Lips, you will all see the pictures, and let's just saw we did Caitlin's bachelorette party justice. 

As I near the end of my time here (t-minus 2 weeks) I feel like I still have ages to go, but only seconds left. I plan on being out as much as possible seeing the city that has made me laugh, cry, and curse. I also definitely want to shop...

Side note: Steve Madden's I thought were a find, definitely hooker shoes :( sending back for better option. 


Sunday, July 19, 2009

so many shoes so little time

I have been talking about fringe sandals all summer, ask my roommates, they know. As I was walking home from a+o the other day I saw a women in the most perfect pair. I couldn't catch her in time to ask where they were from, but my savvy internet skills saved me. Here they are... damn I just bought those Steve Maddens....


Love deals

In Black :)
So I have been lusting after a pair of shoes that my sister bought at DSW for the past week. They are chunky, leather, and totally out of my personal price range due to overspending elsewhere. Thank goodness for For about half of what they cost at DSW my beloved Steve Maddens became mine.


And now those thousand words...

I know I have been bad at updating, but isn't that how it goes? You start something so enthusiastically, a diary, journal, workout regime, etc., then something gets in the way. Usually life. Well here's me playing catch up.

Starting with the 4th (which ended quite traumatically, wouldn't you like to know), life has been lively. I've appreciated the MOMA, a quite phallic representation of modern art is currently (apparently) very popular, eaten crepes at Bastille Day, and gotten a horrific sunburn at Long Beach.

I would like to take a moment to digress on a slight notion that bothers me horribly. New Yorkers are entitled. Well, rather, they feel entitled to comment on your business. Why is it that when a person (namely myself) gets a sunburn, it is open for discussion? Yes, I know I am a walking advertisement for the American Cancer Association, yes I failed at sunscreen 101, yes it hurts, and yes I KNOW IT LOOKS BAD. So please, if you see my lobster legs traipsing around Manhattan today, PLEASE, don't comment. I know.

Internship wise, Redbook is fabulous. This week I walked away with an assortment of free goodies at both of my internships which makes the work feel worthwhile. Interns are people too ya know.

Downtime is important to me, and that is why I spent $13.00 to see Harry Potter. It was epic. Ron is hot. I also saw The Hangover, Brad Cooper is hot, and now I understand EVERYONE'S statuses.

On the dessert front I have found a new love. Berrywild Frozen Yogurt. I am heading there in approximately 25 minutes, and I can't wait. Cappuccino fro-yo with chocolate covered pretzel topping. Um yes please. Also a great cupcake at Burger's and Cupcakes makes the list (though no where near Baked by Melissa). I have to say though that Crumbs is climbing the list with each sample.

I know this is sporadic, unintelligible, and over all non-informative, but I promise to spend tonight getting a more accurate depiction of life up. Right now, all I can think of is fro-yo.


pictures that mean a thousand words

Spinach and Mozzarella crepe at Bastille Day!
Some *ahem* "art" at the MOMA
Financial District while Cara was in town!
World Trade Center 
"I think we need a Hollywood kiss." - Berger (steps of the courthouse)
"And then he pulled out a coconut"
Afton and I at Blue and Gold, PBR and a shot of Jaeger for $6... so wrong
Ordering something delicious :) (sidenote, today is the official Ice Cream Appreciation Day)
U.S.'s 1st Gelateria in Little Italy

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ah Harry Potter

I promise to have a whole update-thing later tonight but I just wanted to say... it's Harry Potter day! I feel like I should be screaming it's Rex Manning day like they do in Empire Records, but I don't think enough people would get the reference... say no more mon amour... ok I'm stopping


Friday, July 10, 2009

it's so funny

the thing about dreams is when you realize them, you realize a bunch of other stuff too. Like how great you had it before those dreams, and how great the unknown of the rest of "it" is. I came to New York thinking, well, knowing that it would be the time of my life. And it has. Hands down one of the best experiences of my life. But as I stare out of my lower east side apartment I can't help but realize how much I miss the most important things that make my life great. My friends and family. I know exactly what my best friends are doing right now (all but two who are not in attendance) and there is nothing more in the world that I would rather be doing than (insert inappropriate drinking term here) with Emily, Callie, Tay, Zucc and Court (amongst many others including Christine :) I know that my time here in invaluable, but so are those experiences. It really makes you wonder where you prioritize things and people... your life sure looks different when you are thousands of miles away from it....


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Billy's Bakery

I know the cupcake tally has been lagging but tonight I finally added another to the list. Billy's Bakery, sub par at best, sorry I can't even entertain top five unless you stuff it with filling.


To Do Lists

The funny thing about the to do lists that I make are that they never seem to get done. Fold laundry: still in hamper, take out trash: still in apartment, take a shower: shoot, but when it comes to getting up  early and walking or partially walking to work I always manage to get it done. There is something about putting your headphones on, ipod on shuffle, and walking through a city that is new every time you look at it. That will definitely be one of the things I miss most about this city, the unknown. 

Today I was alone at Redbook seeing as my editor is in Canada (yes I know) for a family vacation. I felt crazy motivated and instead of busting out early I spent the entire day getting things done. Over ambitious at 5:45 I was reaping the repercussions of that long day with a crabby mood. Apologies to the roomies, I over stretched, literally, and was paying for it. (the knot in my neck is so obscene but icy hot probably costs $50 dollars here so I'm stickin' it out). 

Tomorrow I work at a+o and plan on sneaking out a little early to see if I can catch some of the Harry Potter stars walking the red carpet. For some reason I think there will be others that beat me to it..... Darn the luck because there is still that small part of me that would love to put a lightening bolt on my forehead and believe magic is real. 

Friday is another FABULOUS (sarcasm) media tour day that consists of the NY Times, Conde Nast, Standard and Poors, and Routers. Definitely a better line up than the first, and with a start time at 9 instead of 8 it could be more than bearable. 

I will say that I am super sad this weekend because I am missing one of the reason's my college experience has been so great. Pike. It's float trip and I have never been. Alas I will be that graduated senior next year creeping around the freshman. I doubt I'll be the only one.


P.S. Saw the Hangover last night with the roomies and it was everything everyone's statuses claimed it to be.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

zsa zsa zu

Today was the best day. I walked to Central Park (its about 55 blocks) exploring the whole way. Got a tasti-d-lite vanilla chocolate swirl, read Vogue, and fell back in love with NYC. Perfect. 

I now have a $2 bottle of wine and a concert to attend to. sigh.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

playing catch up

You know those days when everything is perfect and nothing can go wrong? 99% percent of my days here are like that. Then there are the days when all you want is some home town lovin. That was how I felt on the 4th. Though Manhattan is great for a lot of things it is not conducive to hoosier. Sometimes I wanna be hoosier. I tried my best with some forty's and country music but ended up just missing home more. Hope you all lived it up large for me. 

On a brighter note I did manage to tick off a few things on the to do list this weekend including the Staten Island Ferry (one of the few free things in this town). With panoramic views of the city and a relaxing ride, it was a fab way to start the weekend. Hit up a few dive bars, made friends with some Irishmen :) and overall had a nice time. We also checked out the financial district, Trinity church, and Wall Street.

Saturday Af, Hannah, and I went to Katz's deli for the most intimidating experience of my dining life. Not only does this restaurant need an instruction manual, it needs some advil as well. Good thing the food was mind boggling or else I would warn others to stay away. But I definitely recommend it but share, the portions are enormous. 

Today we made pancakes and cinnamon rolls and basically wasted the day away. Just like I would have at home. 


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

much needed...

Though I love the maniacal pace of the city, I am starting to get a little war torn and weary (read: sometimes you don't want to battle to get onto the subway AGAIN). I think what I need is a little R&R in the Hamptons or any beach close for that matter. I hear Jones is looking pretty fabulous, and with the weather finally holding up to NYC standards this 4th of July weekend might be the perfect time to bust out of the city and make like beach girls with a tan. Gosh I need a tan.

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