Saturday, May 30, 2009


So today we (me, and my roommates carrie and afton) moved hannah into her dorm at FIT. Super exciting. Last night we went to dinner at this fab little bar called Pourhouse something or other and had overpriced American cuisine, drank Mich Ultras, and over all felt fabulous while looking like total tourists. Oh well.

Sidenote: the toilet has been fixed, the problem --> our previous tenant whom I am now referring to as the terror tenant threw a pair of enormous disk earrings down the toilet, thus breaking it. Thanks.

Also my sister saw a man relieving himself on a poor New Yorker's stoop today. I guess when ya gotta go ya gotta go. Ew.

Hopefully tonight we will meet up with the rest of the NYC group and finally do the downtown thing, although my funds are going a lot more quickly than expected. I guess you only live once though...

What New York has taken from me so far: 
7 blister band-aids
a little dignity (getting lost and pulling a map out at EVERY stop light)
the arches of my feet
time (its going too quickly)

What I have gotten so far:
10 million ideas for outfits
a sense of independence
an overwhelming appreciation for beverage prices in Columbia, Missouri
a handy metro card that gets me anywhere (sometimes the wrong place but none the less someplace)

in conclusion we are heading to the upper east side today, to explore and such. Carrie would not be proud of my choice of footwear (Sperry's) but after three days of flats it's a must. Signing off for now.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hello lover!

Well, I caved and started a blog to "document" my summer in NYC, read it, don't read it, but at least I can feel like I have some documentation of an accomplishment I am really proud of.

 I am currently sitting in my barren apartment i.e. sitting on a blow up mattress with a box as my table and staring at a very sketchy pull out couch that was so graciously left for us by the previous tenant. The apartment is spacious but what it gains in area it lacks in... pretty much everything else. It all comes down to this: the toilet does not work, kill me. 

I have been here for about a week and here is what I have learned about NYC:

1. Everyone tries to rip you off, as exemplified by the internet installer who just tried to get $30 dollars out of us for a free service. Not so fast internet installer, you can't fool us.

2. No matter how in shape you are, your feet will hurt, a lot, and you will get blisters, a lot.

3. The city never sleeps. I love it.

4. Manhattan is exactly 2 miles wide from the east river to the hudson. I know, I walked it.

5. Everything costs three times as much, but often tastes three times as good, so its justifiable.

6. I hate sake, whoever said it tastes good must also enjoy drinking lighter fluid.

7. Finally, NYC is everything I hoped it would be, and I have only just begun.

After those little life lessons, and I am sure I will be learning many, many more, I have come to realize that I could never have prepared for this summer. I start my job next week (Redbook fashion closet) and I can't wait. My roommates and I are going to spend the day lounging (the weather is a rather gross form of "spit rain" and isn't exactly inviting). 

Hopefully I have more excitement to fill this blog with, if not, then what a waste. I hope I can live up to Carrie Bradshaw's standards.

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